My First Youtube Premiere
Event created by chopin
Event details
I know this is last minute, but I decided to make my first Youtube video a premiere (which just means it will play as if it were live, and we can chat on the live chat feature while the video plays). I would like you all to attend if you can. The reason is because I am going to start integrating Music Jotter with Young Composers, and the two audiences are going to meet! What this means for our community is that we are going to benefit from my Youtube channel's promotions. I may even consider doing Youtube review "premieres" on selected works depending on if my Youtube channel grows in popularity.
My premiere starts on Saturday April 1, 2023 at 4:00PM EST
- Sign up here: Facebook Event
- Click "notify me" here: Link to my very first Youtube video
Please subscribe to my channel if you want to see me do more of these premieres, especially around music reviews from the forum. I can also create more content around:
- Music Appreciation
- Composition Tips
- Notation tutorials using Music Jotter
- What else?
See you tomorrow!
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