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Hello everybody,

A few days ago, I got the idea about an app to help composers to get feedback about instrumentation (and orchestration) from musicians.
The idea can be found here:

We decided to try it out first on this forum by a thread, but now there is this club.
(!) To have this idea work, we need the whole community to help and play the music! A composer can post his music here, but when the music isn't performed, there is nothing useful about this topic.


What to do as a composer?

If you are not sure about a short passage or a few passages in one of your compositions, you can post your score (PDF) in this topic, BUT...

  • First, please press the ''follow'' button at the top right of this page.
  • Make sure that you clearly tell us, which instrument part you have doubts about and where, i.e. from which bar to which bar.
  • This topic is not meant to get free performances and audios for your music; only for feedback.
  • Create a topic in this part of the club so that musicians can easily find your post.

What to do as a musician?

  • First, please press the ''follow'' button at the top right of this page.
  • When you see a topic in this part of the club of a composer, who would like to have feedback on a piano passage and you play piano, check the score.
  • When you check the score and you think you can play it a little bit, please practise it.*
  • Finally record yourself playing the passage (in this case piano) and post the mp3 file in the topic concerned with some feedback.
    • Optional:
      • A video explaining why the passage is impossible or why the passage is so fantastic could really help too.
        • Do this by sharing a YouTube video. (I think this can be kept private so that only people with the link can see it).
      • Some pictures, in which you show fingerings or other instrument related subjects.

*You don't need to be a professional musician to be able to play passages. When the tempo is too fast for you, you can still practise it in a slower tempo and imagine a professional musician playing the music.


  • The composer now has more knowledge of what is possible and what is not on the instrument.
  • Note that there needs to be a balance between you posting scores and you posting recordings of yourself playing.
    • If you only post scores and don't play other's music, your score will get less attention.


Hopefully this works!


Maarten Bauer

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