Well I got the idea of "Public" "Logged in" and "Private" from the current system (the network), when you fill your profile info you can chooce who can see you Zip Code or your E-mail etc, so I thought that same option could be used to the score, if you think the "Private" wouldn't work for scores could be "Public"(all) or "logged in"(Members) only.
and you know what, I can offer myself to review the orchestral works posted without score, the review won't be the same, but there is always much can be said just by listening, because many members when see there is no score don't comment, don't comment at all, and somebody must post something to those fellows, ... (including me, my last thread is the greatest but with no score, I have 2 comments only .
hey I said I can review just by listening but NOT .midi ok ?