No, It didn't dissapoint me, Is very classical and simple but is not bad,
Where is the "matrix" thing ?
A few things I saw:
You can use treble clef for cellos if necessary,
In page 8 last bar, there are violins with 5 tremolos ?, all violinist will play 3 most (well that's a tiny unimportant thing isn't it?)
Bassoon page 28 low G note = ->
There is a long silence at the end of the recording, if you're using sibelius delete the empty bars..
Well, in overall view, I think you harmony is too common but well applied, is better to stay in the "known" area and write something good that go to far and write just nonsense,
I feel a "dependence" of the woodwind-strings with eachother, try to break that by creating stronger lines/motif in one of those sections without doubling it in the other, because the colors of sounds are being reduced due to the similarity of instruments are playing it....
......If you draw a line in color Red, and then you draw a line in Color Green in the exact same position, how many colors do you see ? .... one, only one, ... a composed color yes, but is only one, if you draw different lines you'll be able to see the Red and Green easily.
Keep going Dark, it is good.