Correct! :lol:
Haha, cool :P The second is the same way the Barney song can be, I think. "If you give me salsa, than I'll be your best friend!..." Haunting :blink:
Wise choice, don't give it a 10/10. My pieces here may actually destroy headphones, literally! I head a pair that succumbed to "Give Me Salsa" :lol:
How are you going to beat the Moonlight Sonata played by a cowbell, in terms of monotony? :wacko: You've got your work cut out for you: I can't wait to see what you come up with :)
Glad to be of entertainment! I got it to sound the way it does by raising the decibel level on all of the single instruments to max, and then turning the overall volume to max, so when it exports, it's literally so loud the computer can't process it.
Hypnotically disgusting...I very much like that ;)
Haha, thanks :D I have set the bar pretty high, methinks: what will others come up with? :hmmm:
Thank you all for your great comments :cool: