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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/19/2010 in Posts

  1. seriously respect for making this, I wouldnt even try to do this, it sounds horrible, haha.
    1 point
  2. Thanks for another bruise... I jumped out of my seat again on the third movement and banged my leg.. <_< <_< It is, however.... It's horribly, disgustingly, horrificly, mind-bogglingly, jaw-droppingly terrible! Worst piece of music ever, hands down.
    1 point
  3. If you give me salsa, then I'll be your best friend? Three words: FAN-TAS-TIC!!! I haven't laughed so hard since, well, I've never laughed so hard in my life!! But beware serge, whenever you come up with an awful piece, I just have to out do you (or at least try) This piece was horrible, insane, obnoxious, and downright idiotic...GREAT JOB!!!!!
    1 point
  4. You know, if you listen to the third movement on low volume without paying much attention to it, it's quite spectacular... I'm serious, it's cool!
    1 point
  5. Roy: Correct! :lol: John: Haha, cool :P The second is catchy...in the same way the Barney song can be, I think. "If you give me salsa, than I'll be your best friend!..." Haunting :blink: Dorby: Wise choice, don't give it a 10/10. My pieces here may actually destroy headphones, literally! I head a pair that succumbed to "Give Me Salsa" :lol: JimmyJuicin: How are you going to beat the Moonlight Sonata played by a cowbell, in terms of monotony? :wacko: You've got your work cut out for you: I can't wait to see what you come up with :) Hugo: Glad to be of entertainment! I got it to sound the way it does by raising the decibel level on all of the single instruments to max, and then turning the overall volume to max, so when it exports, it's literally so loud the computer can't process it. Peter: Hypnotically disgusting...I very much like that ;) Morgri: Haha, thanks :D I have set the bar pretty high, methinks: what will others come up with? :hmmm: Thank you all for your great comments :cool:
    1 point
  6. 1 point
  7. Serge: All of it was stupid and horrible. The first piece isn't even an accurate transcription, not in the right key, the third piece absolutely fries my headphones, and the second piece is hypnotically disgusting. Nice job. Actually, the second piece would do for an okay albeit harmonically simple heavy metal tune. Gotta bump up the rating a tad for that. ;)
    1 point
  8. Wow, I was laughing all the way through... The third movement is probably the single most annoying thing I've ever heard in my life... How in the hell did you get it to sound like that?
    1 point
  9. This sucks. Congrats! :santa: I've got my work cut out for me to make something more annoying than a monotonous moonlight sonata...
    1 point
  10. I want to give it 10 stars because you certainly achieved what you were aiming for yet....I don't want other people who wear headphones to listen to this thinking it is amazing then having there ears blown out and having a near heart attack lol XD The first song was...so wonderfully bad. The same rhythm for about 3 minutes, sounds like it could have been a rap song haha. The 2nd one was....dare I say epic to a whole new extreme?? The 3rd, I am still recovering from being scared so much by listening to it at 3 in the morning after everything is all quiet then BANG BANG CLASH all that good stuff happened and my heart has been racing ever since. Haha, so...I want to say great job with this but...is that really the word choice I should be using?? P.S . I just tried listening again without headphones and once again I scared myself quite bad.
    1 point
  11. Ligeti used ocarinas in his violin concerto, they're cool.
    0 points
  12. Sometimes I feel like doing this when we start talking about "art."
    -1 points
  13. Hoo boy if you thought THAT was being an donkey, then you are NOT cut out for the world of criticism. Did I call you names? Insult you personally? Attack you baselessly? Mmmm no! Turns out I was trying to point out a flaw in the work - HOW SHOULD I HAVE KNOW YOU WERE ALREADY AWARE OF IT? You literally could have said "Thanks, I was aware of that, I just didn't do it this draft/not worrying about it until the music is done" and aaaaaall would have been well
    -1 points
  14. Awesome! Ten stars for real. Upload the full work. :blink: C Trumpet is a *non-transposing* instrument. If the composer wants C Trumpets, then they're written in concert pitch. Sometimes if the part is in Bb and no Bb instrument is available (and vice versa), then the players will transpose on the fly. This is especially true with F Trumpet parts of old where one would have to transpose up a 5th (on a Bb Trumpet). There's debate actually that it may be *easier* to play in the upper register on the Bb Trumpet because of the larger tubing. That's one of the reasons Bb is used in Jazz bands. Though the difference is slight at best and not of concern to the average composer. Everything here is mostly right. Orchestras nowadays typically use Cs, but Bbs are far from unusual. They're basically the same deal as far as the composer is concerned. C trumpet is slightly (very slightly) more vibrant and brilliant. C trumpet is a concert pitch instrument, there is no transposition in the part or in the playing. Bb trumpets are used in Jazz bands because of tradition. The C trumpet is a higher trumpet and is actually easier to play higher notes with. That's a non-issue in this case. There is no issue with transposing. It's kinda like setting your keyboard to transpose up two semitones. But Cs do blow differently and have some different recommended fingerings than the Bbs. It's not like a Bb player who's never played one before can pick a C up and play with the same facility. He'd play quite a few notes out of tune and would probably be out of sorts readjusting his ear to hear "C" being a whole step higher than he's used to. [edit] I don't like to do things like this, but I have to ask: who is it that puts a dock on my "reputation" half the time I chime in on trumpet stuff? I am a teacher and professional trumpet player, guys. I'm listing pure facts, here. If you have a problem with what I'm saying, grow up and tell it to my face instead of taking anonymous potshots. It's all in the spirit of music. Nameless poo-pooing ain't.
    -1 points
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