Thanks for the quick responses!!
Marius: Phew, I have no idea TBH. I think it's in a lower quality format, since the file size was a little small compared to others of this length, but I dunno, I'll have to dig a hole into the wilderness of audio quality :D And as for the strings, I suppose there's freebies for you!!
Peter_W: You've lots to look forward to in the world of digital production, so good luck and have fun with that!! I was worrying about the voice leading, but finally decided that I wanted that slightly quirky chord sequence. Still not sure about it - but meh ;)
Jason: Thanks!! TBH with you guys, I had no idea what the leading voice is. I did a few counter melodies and I guess it got kinda mixed up :/ ... but ah well, I'll have a good look tonight and see if I can figure anything out.