1) What is this all about?
This is a forum dedicated to promoting works that the staff has deemed (through democratic vote) to be noteworthy or otherwise significant enough to be given more attention.
2) How do I get my music listed here?
There are no strict criteria that must be met for the admittance of a work in this section. Instead, certain factors are considered such as the professionalism of the score, the explanations/analysis of the poster and remarks concerning performance and rehearsal, to name just a few. Style itself is not an issue in general, but a more critical eye will be given to pieces that fall under style recreations (Bach fugue copies, romantic-style sonatas, etc) as there are extra things to take into account (how far does the composer take the original material? How much is actually from the composer itself, etc.) Music such as soundtracks and rock/pop/etc songs can also be included (obviously the score requirement and criteria for judgment is different for these.)
We would like to remind everyone that the main gist of this section is not to promote elitism or favor some composers over others, but to provide examples that we deem helpful and worthwhile of attention of younger composers who may benefit from these works and the words of the composers involved.
3) How does the selection process work?
Reviewers of the site are on the lookout for works to nominate for this section. Then it is run through a vote and later it is moved to this section, where reviews will be added. These reviews will not necessarily be all positive simply because the work has been selected, but they will be more in-depth and strive provide constructive criticism.
4) So is there anything I can do to make my piece stand out?
Why yes, as mentioned we are looking for certain qualities in the works themselves, but you can help out tremendously already by providing an in-depth description of the work, circumstances around writing it perhaps, and whatever you may think is relevant such as performance or technical notes. Ultimately however the music will do all the talking, but it can help along if we can understand the composer as well and certainly it makes it easier to reach a decision.
There are places in the forum where you can ask questions related to what you could say about your work, how to write certain things in scores, and so on. So if you're struggling with these things, don't be afraid to drop by the "Ask YC" forum and see if anyone can answer your question. Or, if that fails to work, you can PM a reviewer or a member of the staff for tips.
5) My work was selected, but I wanted it removed. How can I do this?
Contact a member of the YC moderation staff and inform them of your decision. Should be as simple as that, really.
A few quick behavior guidelines:
Anyone posting in a thread within the Reviewers' Picks forum is expected to behave according to the level expected of reviewers.
Avoid single word posts, small reviews that consist of "What he said."
Constructive criticism is not only encouraged, it is expected.