I had a friend tell me once that music is inherently a good thing. Music is something that everyone should enjoy. I agreed with that second statement, but not the first. He quickly did a double take.
Why isn't music a good thing?
I answered with a second question: Why isn't language a good thing? Is it a good thing?
Simply put, music can be good. It has potential to be. Then again, it can be bad.
It has been said throughout history that "The pen is mightier than the sword." And indeed it is. Buddha even said "Words have the power to both destroy and heal."
I'm sorry, but making the simple statement "Music is a good thing" is somewhat naive. That's like saying "sharp knives are a good thing." Music is a tool, a weapon, and an art, and like all three, it can be as destructive or as constructive as you want it to be.
Well, that's the way I feel.
How do all of you feel? How can music be good? How can it be bad? How can we, as composers, use this information to our advantage?
And please don't say "There is no good or bad" or anything of the like. Such a debate should be done somewhere else.