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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/02/2011 in Posts

  1. You're welcome! :) Actually, I've never met a media composer who thought concert composers were outdated. John Adams, the well-known concert composer, is one of my personal heroes. While he concentrates on music composition for the concert hall, he has also crossed over into media composition as well. I think we should all be open-minded about exploring the possibilities presented by the various mediums in which we can work. Media composition poses challenges that can stretch one's creativity. Personally, I have found the work to be endlessly creative and fulfilling. :)
    1 point
  2. Every time this place gets "fixed" more things get broken. Its an inevitable pattern.
    1 point
  3. Just a few issues I have now with the player, etc... etc.... They probably WONT be listened to. But, I'll state them anyways: 1. There should not be three players for 1 work just because that work has multiple movements. Certainly, you can set it up to where if a person uploads multiple movements of a work, it will create a playlist in 1 player. It's very annoying having to constantly stopping all the players from playing. 2. (and this is in relation to the first) The idea of having the comments and the players on 1 page is very appealing BUT... certainly, you can have ALL the work on one page. Many works on this forum are in multiple movements, it's ridiculous that this is even an issue. 3. Organizationally... the new uploads thing is a mess. Where are the clear cut categories? Why can't we just have the works upload into their respective folders and then those who wish to access that particular folder can do it? A person asked me to look for his piece (a piano work) It took me so long finding it in the list that I just gave up. We had a GOOD, organized system before... now all we have is a hot mess. 4. The forum page looks horrible now that things are gone - and by this I mean, we now have a 3 inch gap between the end of the forums and the 'Our Board Statistics'. I like that you wanted to clean up dead forums... but... can't you resize the page afterwards so it doesn't look so.... bad? That's enough of my gripe for now. I hope this is listened to. This place is really starting to fall apart from what I see. Kind of sad. :(
    1 point
  4. Hi Ferkungamabooboo! Thanks for watching my GameSpot interview and taking the time to reply with your thoughts about it. I read your comments and I thought I would just clarify things a bit, from my perspective. :-) When you said that I was saying something like "ok we're going to sit down and write a song like x" -- I was just talking about musical genres. As media composers, we're all asked to write in various genres, and we have to get used to being flexible in terms of our skillset and musical expertise. No composer creates in a vacuum. I think we all try to learn from the masters who came before us, and we all try to understand the wealth of musical genres that currently exist. I think that's creatively exciting, and very inspiring. Thanks for saying that you like my viewpoint on being a "one stop shop". You're right -- it does open up a lot of doors. :-) When I said that "face time is important", I was talking about meeting with prospective employers at conventions and conferences. While one might assume that an employer would hire a composer strictly on the basis of their music quality, the employer also needs to consider other interpersonal factors like "will this composer be easy to work with?" and "does this composer really understand my project?" Prospective employers are naturally quite nervous. They want to make the right decision, and there are a lot of things for them to consider. A face-to-face meeting goes a long way towards helping them get a feel for what you are like as a person. It can be tremendously reassuring. Thanks for your thoughtful comments about my interview, Ferkungamabooboo! Kind regards, Winifred Phillips
    1 point
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