Hello! This is a very cool piece here. The main theme sounds sorta like something I'd write... maybe. The rhythms are certainly upbeat and cool, which I'm glad to hear!
Well, there's your compliments, now it's down to business :P
Up until bar 23, there aren't any issues, I don't think. It's a good, strong start to the piece, albeit not all that difficult.
From bar 23-31, it's the same thing that we heard before in the bass. That's good, but then it seems like you just clicked "repeat repeat repeat" and moved each bar up a note. I think it needs variety in that part, so it will be less static and sequential.
Then you have a little running line into the chordal part, which works quite nicely! I think there should be a slight ritard there. Then all those big blasting chords come out. And that jolts you in a very good way, however there are a few notation issues: 37 and 39, the 2nd chord is F#, C#, Ab. I think you need that Ab to be a G#. It would make more sense, plus it's already in the key signature!
The next part, with the 16th notes is a nice variation on the theme. Same Ab issue, make it a G sharp. Then from 49-56, the notation is right, but when you first see it it might be a bit... AUGH WHAT'S THAT?? haha. But it's correct!
The chords coming back work perfectly at that spot. (G SHARP! ;))Again, a ritard into it would be nice. The spot with the repetition of the notes is good. The ending of that needs to be a bit stronger. I was thinking maybe you could add a bar there, and have the notes repeat and get louder to a big bang at the end. I think it would be a little less sudden.
My comments for the next section are the same as the first.
The ending I think you could use the repetition of the notes there too. It would bring a reminder of the B section into it, which would be really nice.
Usually I don't give such in depth reviews. lol look how long that is! I guess I just do that when I really like something and want it more... perfect. haha :D
Thanks so much for posting this! It has a lot of potential :)