I think this guy is legitimately crazy. There is so much wrong with that post that I don't know where to start. Like, why does he wrap the text with quotation marks? Why are there spaces after the quotation marks and parentheses? Why does he link the words "baroque", "magic", "fairy", "tale", and "harry" with dashes but discontinues it for "potter" and "candy?" Why does he spell "is" as "iz?" Why are select words like "random" and "display" capitalized? Why is "Baroque" inconsistently capitalized?
This sentence does no make sense. It is grammatically wrong. The subject of the sentence, "large," is not followed by a predicate. There is instead a comma leading to the phrase "beauty of sight was very cruxial..." --here he incoherently inserts something in parentheses that might as well have been random pretentious text; in fact, I'm convinced that is exactly what it is-- "...to realize." And no, "cruxial" is not a word.
And then we have "say BWV 999" and "which ix little wonder why composers today have a difficulty emulating the baroque times through musica." The former is completely impossible to link to any part of the sentence, rendering it devoid of actual meaning. The latter shows that he thinks, with this vomit pool of words, that he has adequately explained the reason composers have difficulty emulating Baroque music.
I don't have the patience to go through the rest of his ramblings; it is like staring into the abyss.
Also that is a terrible idea, what are you, ten?