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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/26/2012 in Posts

  1. Overlooking intricacies the Concepts despite contributing the cogent conceptualization of Musiotics your ideas are. I would say deriving Parallels which in itself, allowing despoiliation per se, (the Infinite within Cosmos and the Infinitesimal) disallowing Universal. It inanity is the music; Profane within compounded cannot be compared to the like and of Baroque music, the Classical neo-Romanticism. The context Beneath which of viewpoints rhombus Divine and not misconstruing integral Shifts, bijective and non-local. Relativism is blurred, "dividing by itself" another Which all Pretentiousness can muster. Therefore, Marzique, I postulate that you are wrong. --Ian Constaxulaxium Pazuria
    1 point
  2. Agreed. "YC People's Choice Awards" are great in their own right - but monthly competitions are not so much about "winning" as about "improving". It's just that there's no point on it without effective feedback.
    1 point
  3. Yeah, but that sort of takes away the point of the competition, for me at least. I like having a full review. If there's just a percentage of people who voted for me, I'm not really bettering myself as a composer, which is the whole reason I joined the competition. Maybe if we had less judges, just one or two if necessary? I'm perfectly fine with Morivou being the only judge, and anyone else who volunteers to judge should be a reliable person who visits the site regularly.
    1 point
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