Now since it's within the bounds of musiotics, i want to share one of my personal discoveries which ofcouse is not new but perhaps new to awareness & special emphasis. There is the Tritonus(77), The Diminished 7(444), & the augmented(555). All these 3 on C have something in common being some of the chordal fundamentals in music. They are all (& the only so far i've discovered) numerically definitively in the sense that the tritonus for example: C-F#-C reaches a very soon ending in the chromatical ascention or descention of only 2 distinct dimensions until repetition like the dim 7 there are only 3 distinct blocks or dimensions each with 4 inversions naturally total of 12 dim 7s & the + or augmented on C=C,E,A-flat, & back to C therefore only 3 dimensions. So, we have the Tritonus=2 dimensions, The + or augmented=3 dimensions & The dim 7=4 dimensions. Now, i've included these in a journal of mine in a section of the secular demonic because of the demonic tritonus & having a commonality ( numerically ) with dim 7 & the augmented as perhaps some of the harmonic fundamentals of the devil in music. Yet, these numbers are the only similar in the western chromatic spectrum in that they repeat with the same number otherwise the chordal formula 767 is atypical to my argument unless the formula was 666 but that formula does not fall within the bounds of my criteria because the expansion factor literally covers the entire chromatic spectrum progression. I believe this concludes my argument as complete & sufficiently brief & with the utmost precision. :D