I'm sorry, Locrian, but your comment has no sense. If Beethoven, in his last compositions, or even Bach, had written a C-major chord as B#, Fb and G, some later theory would be created to explain it. Or, at least, people would think WHY did he write that. If you deal the different, non-standard, not-perfectly-written-and-organized as simple bullshit, then you probably don't have the profile to be an art critic. The evolution of art comes from the new, the different! The simple replications of the already organized and written stuff is... replication!
Now for Marzique Bordex. I'm afraid to start this infinite opus... I really want to!!! But I'm afraid I'll have a bad choice about instrumentation, style, form... I'm still thinking about this to have a good start, so that I'll be able to continue it ad aeternum, hehehe. I'll surely let you know if I actually decide to start it^^