So, I've noticed a pattern: when we have extra awesome competitions, they are usually because there is a popular topic or the time is extended. Usually people cannot compose in one month. They drop out. But, the competitions have tried to maintain a certain minimalism about them. Short length. Small instrumentation, etc.
I've come up with a solution for next year I want to run by you all for suggestions:
A. Next year, there will be no more monthly competitions. But, rather, BI-monthly competitions lasting 50-60 days each. This will provide for more in depth works (orchestral even!) and extended works with chamber ensembles.
B. To replace the more immediate ideas, I want to go back to something YC had a long time ago: Challenges. People would post small challenges for composers. Like, build a song off of this motif. Or, write a piece in 60 minutes. Games to expand the mind.
This allows for people to collaborate and post their own Mini-competitions/challenges (and offer awards if they want!) and for a more "immediate" sense of composition. People that want shorter pieces and having to write "in a box" can use these to their advantage. Fugue writing competitions, song writing, RECORDING competitions to have a competition to see who can play a piece they wrote the best. Whatever you can think of. This will ALSO allow for the BIGGER works people have been requesting to take up two months and let more in depth writing and more worthwhile pieces to shine!
What do you think?