Then that is a more outrageous claim. To be so judgmental on that basic level is utterly ridiculous. Just because I made a post with uncertainty on the question I was asking does not mean that I am "illiterate" with the way I use my words. Exact phrasing for what I was asking was escaping me. You can feel free to just leave the thread if you are going to be that ridiculous. I have PLENTY of testing credentials to refute that ridiculous statement you just made, beyond the fact that the expanse between now and when I would be going for a PhD would be more than enough time to refine my writing even more. Sunday is a relaxed day, so beyond the fact that I never asked about writing, I do not plan to write my best prose on Sundays. The topic refers to music, as does the forum, and not a single person's writing style or ability.
Thanks and have a nice day.