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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/21/2014 in Posts

  1. I think that says a lot right there. Part of what makes art "art" is its ability to reach out and touch others...and touch each audience member a slightly different, personal way. I'd like to take that concept and run with it with my music. Perhaps I just need a larger audience (such as posting here) rather than direct monetary compensation (which I really feel would take the joy out of it). :)
    1 point
  2. You must have some scraggy teachers.
    1 point
  3. It's not dead, just out of fashion—the people who like harsh, discontinuous music have moved on to fanboy over Helmut Lachenmann and his disciples, the soulless academics now write soulless neo-romantic music (Corigliano, Higdon etc), the orchestral world limits itself to composers who already have at least 100 recordings of their music on the market and the 'average listener' is listening to Hans Zimmer or whatever.
    1 point
  4. It's dead in the sense that it's pretty much played out, and today, it would be difficult to exceed the works of webern, dallapiccola, boulez, etc. etc. since they did it so well. Also, there are some weaknesses to the technique (including a kind of homogeneity of sound) that need to be worked around. It's as dead as, say, romanticism, or renaissance counterpoint, or classical form, and for the same reasons.
    1 point
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