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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/26/2016 in Posts

  1. Last year i wrote "Pleiades" for the Portuguese Guitar and Mandolin Orchestra. It was a challange, but it was also lots of fun! My inspiration was the mithological story of the Pleiades, the 7 daughters of Atlas. I didn't try to write program music about their story, rather i wrote the music about the feelings and emotions i feel when i read the story of the Pleiades. It was premiered by the Portuguese Guitar and Mandolin Orchestra in Portugal in 2015 and it has been on their repertoire ever since. They also recorded it on their CD last year. "Pleiades" is composed in a kind of experimental form, with ideas and developments coming one after another, without great regard for tradicional musical forms. I experimented a bit with textures and instrumentations because i wasn't really sure how a plectra orchestra would sound, so i thought it would be fun to put the melodies and motivs in different instruments. Since the piece was premiered the orchestra has had only one Contrabass, so actually the bass part is sometimes hard to hear or feel, and some parts now don't work anymore like i inicially intended. But overall i am happy with the result and it has been well received both by the musicians in the orchestra and by the public. You can listen to it on SoundCloud: or on YouTube: It is my first piece ever to be recorded and i am really happy! =D I would love to know what you think about it! Thank you
    1 point
  2. Hey everyone. It's been a while since I last uploaded a composition here (a collection of miniature pieces for flute & piano), but I've had some time and started a new collection of jazz miniatures. This new project is my attempt at trying something new and writing something that isn't clearly influenced by romantic era music. I don't write much jazz, so please let me know what you think of this first piece. Thanks! Jazz Short 1.mp3 Jazz Short 1 - Full Score.pdf
    1 point
  3. Just when you thought I was getting soft. Here's something with some GRIT... I named it Mouseworks, cause I was feverously working the Mouse, on my computer, and there was a mouse in the kitchen, bent on doing something bad.. I had to finish the song before he chewed through the power cord.. (MarkStyles©2016Pliant Tunes BMI)
    1 point
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