Each of those double stops requires a shift to get to the next one, unless you want to stretch the last two notes, which I guess is possible, but would take an uncharacteristically long time to practice, since it spans a seventh with other notes in the middle. 16th notes under beat 80 isn't slow, you know.
Mmm... kind of, but generally no. Double stops involving at least one open string adjacent to the string that a fingered note is being played will generally be okay (at moderate tempo). If they're in succession, perhaps keep them on the same two strings and the same position... Repeated double stops in the same position are also typically okay because you can settle there before moving to the next position. Slow thirds are fine, but not too many of them; same with sixths. Fourths can be more awkward.
Honestly, it's very case by case and there's too many possible scenarios to list them all. Learn by doing is probably better than anything I just wrote up above.