A suite made up of sketches 58, 62, and 78. I like this better than the first, personally, since I actually studied this type of music before these sketches, instead of mindlessly writing what I thought this type of music was. Enjoy!
Wow. Just wow.
You should try running it by some performers to see if they could give you any feedback about how well it matches what they'd expect from a piece in this style. For example, there were a couple of moments in the second (and third a little bit) piece when the guitar accompaniment could really have spotlighted some of the melodic work with a few small adjustments or changes. This is masterfully constructed, superb!
Love it!
Gustav Johnson
Careful. That's a B HALF-diminished chord, because the triad (the B, D, and F) is diminished, but the A is simply a minor 7th, instead of a diminished 7th (A-flat). A truly "fully diminished" 7th chord on B would be "B D F Ab".