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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/14/2018 in all areas

  1. Yes, I think it's quite good. The opening provides that atmosphere of "the night and the cold", you left it when the action seems to begin.
    1 point
  2. Definitely worth continuing, don't give up with this one! Think about adding more (but small) variations within your melodic content. For example, alter one note (i.e. the peak note or the starting/finishing note) in terms of it's pitch or rhythmic placement. That will typically also alter your harmonic accompaniment as well. That's been a helpful technique for me lately, it helps define a sense of direction and intentionality in the development and growth of the melody. I think your opening statement itself is worth developing - passing the arpeggios through some different instruments and the flute motif. Once you get to 0:40, there are some flute meldoy pitches that feel out of place against your accompaniment. That's a great characteristic to have within the piece, but perhaps not the first time you're stating the melody in its full strength. Good work - keep working on it! Gustav Johnson
    1 point
  3. Section 1: The dominant pedal in the middle register being held that long is a bit strange, but works well enough. Section 2: I think you channel Zimmer a bit too much here. Maybe I'm biased since I'm generally against his scores, but the octave jumps at the beginning don't constitute a melody to the audience. The scalar figure from the beginning does return, which is nice, but it feels a bit forced in, like a callback rather than a development. Section 3: Well done here. Section 4: It's a bit too similar in tone for the different tone of the story. The F# minor and reliance on low tones without help from the high end makes it feel less like panic, and more like confidence.
    1 point
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