This is the second installment of my pieces that were previously published here on Young Composers forum but got deleted during the renovation of the website in late April - early May 2016 and that I am choosing to publish again. As the pieces number 181, I am being cautious at to what I publish this second time. Concerning this set of sententiae, what distinguishes them is that they are the first set of sententiae I ever composed. Therein lies their importance. I think that of the six sets of sententiae for string quartet that I have composed, this is still the best set.
Here's how I introduced the pieces back on April 10, 2013 when I first posted theme here:
'Sententia' (plural: 'sententiae') is the Latin for the word 'sentence'. I am naming these pieces 'sentences' since they are pieces that do not manifest any trace of development, nor do they aim to do so. All they do is utter a statement, a sentence - which the Oxford dictionary defines as "A series of words complete in itself as the expression of a thought ... conveying a statement, question, exclamation, or command." a definition which perfectly applies to these pieces. I chose the Latin word 'sententia' to name them because its meaning is broader than its English translation of 'sentence', defined as it is as "meaning, sentence, maxim, epigram" - the other three definitions also applying to some degree to the kind of piece that I have in mind, a piece that is more substantial than a simple, straightforward (and often inconsequential) sentence.
Of these three sententiae, my favourite is the second one, which is also the one that I think the most completely embodies my idea of a 'sententia' (the first one still somewhat utilizing the formulas of my soliloquies and bagatelles with its repeat and clear ending, while the third one shows a hint of development). I am posting them as a group since I believe that sententiae, being short and devoid of any development, are best presented in a group. Yet each sententia is complete in itself and in the musical idea/feeling/thought that it seeks to convey.
Here's the link to the first old deleted piece that I shared: