This is good work, Noah. I like the themes and the way you build it/etc., so points there. A really nice contrast with the lyrical section in the middle. Watch for unconventional orchestration things (i.e. the flute in the lower range would be way covered up by the rest of the instruments accompanying it). The chords in the third section are truly awesome - they have the right character for an ending. I think that really highlights one of the strengths of this piece: your harmonic ideas. The melodic motifs were developed in as much as they were passed around, but you might have strengthened the development by choosing a snip of the motif and altering it as you developed. For example:
On the last notes of this theme in the viola solo, you added sixteenth notes as you passed it around. Try maybe altering the interval between the third-to-last pitch and the penultimate pitch? Or altering the interval to get to the lowest pitch? Or something similar.
The rhythmic ideas and harmonic ideas are good, and you made good use of instrumental "gestures". Strengthen the melodies (at least at points, doesn't need to be all the time!) so the audience has something a little more obvious to follow.
Honestly I struggle with these skills a lot, too, so take my thoughts with a grain of salt!
Loved listening, thanks for submitting!