I think I understand that you are not able to read and write music easily because you mainly play piano by ear? Is that the difficulty? If so, look for resources on "how to read sheet music" or "learning to read music for beginners." If you can read it, you can also write it. It does take time to learn to do fluently, just like learning to read and write English, so if that is what is holding you up, expect that you will need to spend a little time every day practicing your reading skills before it comes easily. Beginner piano books generally include explanations of how to read music along with their music exercises on "row, row, row your boat," so that might be a user-friendly place to start. Be sure to look for book one, even though it seems babyish. Book two will assume you already understand all the concepts they explained in book one and won't discuss them again. Here's an online explanation of how to read sheet music that might be helpful: https://www.musicnotes.com/blog/2014/04/11/how-to-read-sheet-music/
If you use a software program to type out your compositions, instead of pencil and paper, you can use the playback feature in the program to hear what you are writing. That makes it easier to check for unintentional errors in the way you wrote it. The program will play back exactly the notes you have entered, so you can listen and hear whether or not the notes sound like what you intended and make adjustments. I use the Musescore program, which you can download for free. It allows you to make a very professional looking score, once you learn how to use it, and has a playback button at the top of the page so you can hear what you are writing, and catch mistakes. Since it is free, there is nothing to lose by giving it a try.
I hope I've understood the problem correctly! Good luck!