Nice work.. Melody line sounds a bit loud (and a bit mushy) towards the end. Although I understand the Blues is not about 'clean' sounds. Like the bass part. A technique I've been employing for a while now is that as the song matures, and arrangement, becomes complex. I sometimes 're-voice' an instrument or part'. A slightly drier, darker snare, will let the listener pay attention more to the desired instrument. I might find another patch for the bass to stand out more, or make it more muted, or even switch sounds for different sections. I tend to think of a song, as a 'guided walk thru the musical landscape'.. So when the lead guitar does a solo. the other instruments, might get a bit softer, of with a few less notes. This way you subtly guide the listener what to pay attention to. So in the piece the different instruments ebb and flow in the complexity and tone of the instruments. Once in a while, you might want 2 or more instruments playing more 'frenzied' for an effect.