This "Beginner's Piano Suite" marks my so-called '3rd Opus", which sounds so odd to say. (The idea of having an "Opus" sounds awful self-important to my ears, but at the same time, it gives a sense of beginning, middle, and end, and the thought of "I'm done with this, I'm moving on to something else" is liberating, so I really like that aspect of it!) Here's a little backstory. For one thing, I was tired of making pieces of piano music that were extremely difficult to play, and I have a fondness for pieces that are simple, straightforward, and "tell a story", so to speak. So I tried to tone down virtuoso writing as much as possible, and focus on "what" I wanted to say, instead of "how" to say it. I took some inspiration from the idea of video game music, thinking of a scenario or character and having that be what started me off. Most of them are played at a really slow tempo, which is inherently easier to play. A couple are more up-tempo, and probably offer the greatest challenge. Some sections may be tricky, and might be cheating to have in a "Beginner's Piano Suite", but I did my best.
It's not a very long suite. There are seven pieces, and to listen to all takes maybe 15-20 minutes or so. Here they are: [Op. 3 No. 1, "Dawn's Lullaby" WAVE File] ["Dawn's Lullaby" PDF] ["Op. 3 No. 2, ""A Lamentation" WAVE File] ["A Lamentation" PDF] [Op. 3 No. 3, "Cynical" WAVE File] ["Cynical" PDF] ["Op. 3 No. 4, "The Fireplace" WAVE File] ["The Fireplace" PDF] [Op. 3 No. 5, "Resistance" WAVE File] ["Resistance" PDF] [Op. 3 No. 6, "Remembrance" WAVE File] ["Remembrance" PDF] [Op. 3 No. 7, "Adagio" WAVE File] ["Adagio" PDF]
Thoughts/comments/criticisms all welcome. Thank you!