Job well done @ComposerMITASome things to think about:
1) Strings hate 4ths. You should write divisi there i.e measure 39.
2) NEVER write the viola in bass Clef. NEVER!!!!!!!!!!!!
3) Don't write "normal arpeggios" for the harp. Write exactly what you want and take that out. Also there are times you write two notes in the treble and four in the bass clef. Do it the other way. Also, at certain sections, you might want to consider it 8va.
4) NEVER write the viola in bass Clef. NEVER!!!!!!!!!!!!
5) You use the bassoon as a true bass instrument. Trust me, the tuba needs no double. The bassoon is more than capable of doing those fluid lines you wrote in the other woodwinds. Trust me, they'll love you for it.
6) NEVER write the viola in bass Clef. NEVER!!!!!!!!!!!!
7) In orchestra, they don't stack brass parts so give each brass instrument their own staff.
8.) No need for that cross-voicing at the end. Keep that 1st violins on top. Divisi in the 2nds, also for the cellos.
9) Did I mention to never write bass clef for the violas?