Hello. Thank you very much for listening and reviewing.
First question:
Yes that was intentional. Its still in the high bass register, and lower in pitch then the first exposition. The was no plan for a 4 voice fugue in its traditional meaning. More of a trio with contiuno (comes from doing too much italian baroque...). The therm fugue might not be the right one in this piece, fugal sections or fuguish.
At ms 72 its not the entire theme playd, so the real entry is in 79. Could offcourse used the episode to go somwhere else, but Gm is where it went after all...
Second question:
That is correct. The second fugal theme goes out from the frist one. The exposition is with the beginning of the first theme, but the exposiion has cut the beginning. What you are pointing out is very ture. I am using the material as free conterpoint. I was experimenting with a triple fugue her, but i decied not go for it.
My baroque style is very influenced by the early baroque.. Not that i have any problems with modulations, i just dont like to wander off to far this time! 🙂