A band director I've known for many years had always wanted to commission a piece for his band, and as he was preparing to retire, he approached me with this idea. This was in 2016 during the political upheaval of both parties and the eventual election. In 2020, I decided to send this to my publisher for release. Indivisible "fractures" the US national anthem, then puts the pieces back together again, more or less. The introduction is dark and haunting, takes off in a fast "angry" section, a slow lyrical section, and a celebratory finale of the final verse of the anthem.
Each section corresponds to the lyrics of the anthem. "Oh say can you see..." in the intro, "As the rockets red glare, the bombs bursting in air" in the angry section, "By the dawn's early light..." in the slow lyrical section, and the unified final verse of the anthem in its conclusion. I enjoyed writing this and hope you enjoy "Indivisible!" Thanks for listening, and feel free to comment if the mood strikes you. Cheers!