Hello everyone!
I just finished a canon at the octave for three voices which I composed for practicing counterpoint. I did it for practicing three part counterpoint without having to spend to much time thinking about the melodic contourn for each voice. As an exercise it was really interesting and fun to compose. I composed it without instruments in mind, I just chose the brass trio because it sounded the most beautiful to my ears. Therefore, I am not sure whether some things might be unplayable (specially the highest notes from the trumpet).
The canon is strict for the whole piece except for the B-C-D-E ascendent scale going to the EM chord chord (V of ii) in bars 11, 15 and 19, which goes through the natural, harmonic and melodic minor versions. Besides that, the only moment in which the canon is broken is on the last measure.
Composition-wise, I felt really restricted because of the canon rules so I am really interested about the different techniques that could be used for adding interest to such strict pieces. Also, the strict canon made everything harder so probably there are many parallel octaves and fifths I did not see :S.
Any comment or suggestion is welcome. Thank you for listening!