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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/29/2021 in all areas

  1. I love the harmonies here. I think the melody could have some more development, or less? There is a lot of material that doesn't fix itself. The last chords are muddy, they should be opened in that range. Also, it's odd that the final chord appears in inversion, but I don't have problem with that.
    2 points
  2. Hi 🙂 Here's the 4th and last movement of my second symphony. It's partly build with reminiscences of the first 3 movements. Hope you'll enjoy it 🙂
    1 point
  3. A nocturne I composed inspired by Edward Hopper's painting called Nighthawks.Do you think the music reflects the atmosphere in the painting? or its title? Thanks for any feedback https://youtu.be/zJxKxDPXDnk
    1 point
  4. You are true about the contrast in the second part and I wouldn't suggest anymore to keep the complexity of the first section or even the atmosphere. Maybe to reinforce these changes in the mood and create an alcove of serenity one could think about evolving into the registers (lower in A higher in B for example to give a sensation of some weight that is put aside or the idea of some kind of light (of course these extramusical ideas are not exactly what we perceive but are connected to some kind of relief)). The other way around (from high to low) could give a sensation of going from something tense, anxious to something warmer, soothed. A variation in the accompaniment of the left hand can also reinforce the contrast. Many things are possible of course and I don't want to interfere too much with your personnal relationship with your piece and being a burden that way. I try to give external ideas to reinforce yours and I hope it can be useful.
    1 point
  5. Hi Paul. Thank you very much for sharing your valuable comments and thoughts. Your description explains the emotions I want to express quite well. Thanks for your analysis that helped me understand how it sounds. As you said, part b breaks the darkness of the musical atmosphere.my aim here is that the despair of loneliness necessarily reveals a need for hope after a while;and when people are alone they struggle with many dilemmas in their heads. maybe this could be personal. As you say, convert a picture, emotion, into music or convert music into a visual can be personal and difficult to interpret. I think this is one of the hard things of composing. Thanks again
    1 point
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