This is just my opinion / reaction, so it counts for no more than that.
Firstly, the plus. You've put together a 4 minute + movement that coheres so well done for that.
However, I feel you need to get a lot more adventurous if you want to hold people's interest. The opening was pretty good but then the dirge-styled drone starting at bar 13 started to weigh heavy by the time it stopped in bar 31. Frankly it got boring. Elaborating it with the harp arpeggii didn't help. When you return to the opening theme in bar 32 here's the chance for development, not still stuck in C# minor.
It cries out for development, key changing, whatever. Admittedly you do something different in bar - the arpeggiated figures are still static (sounds like a variation of the main theme) but at last has fleeting modulations though still based around C# minor.
I couldn't understand the use of the down-bow sign used normally for strings on the brass and woodwind parts. What's that about? Is it meant to be marcato, in which case the usual sign is a little upside down v, like an accent rotated 90 degrees?
Just a passing comment about the horns in bar 36. I notice you give the higher part to 2 & 4 - unconventional, but this may be your intention. Filling in the bass line with the tuba is clever. The timbre of the tuba is closer to the horns than trumpets and trombones.
Something needs to be done about the ending. Those arpeggii go on after the theme they support ends then the piece just ends on a chord. Must admit I was hoping for a full tutti.
Anyway, lets see what others have to say.