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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/13/2021 in all areas

  1. It's an expression used in anything creative, like being a writer, composer, whatever. There are certain characters, ideas, or phrases we love to use in the creative material ever so often, it's also comfortable. But sometimes it's better to "Kill your darlings" in order to explore something new. Which is what you talked about
    1 point
  2. This sounds kind of dance-like to me - maybe like a courante (the slow kind). It sets quite a hypnotizing and meloncholic mood which I enjoyed. Thanks for sharing! I like it as is without any additional percussion - timpani might make it sound too heavy which would detract from the light dance-like feel.
    1 point
  3. Hah! Perhaps people think it's a presumption that they can advise! In a way it's a big ask because it means looking at the score which is large and unless someone has a very tall screen, probably wouldn't fit as a full page. It doesn't fit mine. So that means an amount of study, anyway. However, I'd say you need minimal percussion with this piece: timps, possibly a suspended cymbal with a soft striker (but very sparingly). It doesn't seem to cry out for much percussion. There's no full tutti where a cymbal bash would add dazzle. It doesn't seem to modulate out of the natural F#minor. A slightly sombre mood. You see, the piano and harp set the 'percussive mood' if there is such a thing, along with the string pizzicato passages. They mark the rhythm. Places where I'd think about a snare are on a weak beat (such as the high F in the flute part at bar 50). No use adding it at the beginning of such bars as that would upset the rhythm. I mean, there's no point that would seem enhanced by the rap of a snare on a strong beat. So from my point of view I can't see anywhere that I'd add percussion. Ps. It would help if you could condense things like woodwind and brass for a 'conductor's' score. You could lose a fair few staves and btw you need dynamics for ww and brass in bar 11
    1 point
  4. It has a lovely "American Shaker Melody " feel to it. I do like the piano part with it. It is an interesting and lovely work. I personally love such melodic lines and harmonies. I would like to add - it would be wonderful as a soundtrack for a movie scene ... I can just picture the setting in my mind - filled with wonder and contentment. It is a selection that yearns to be orchestrated and developed.
    1 point
  5. Hey! I really like this piece. Love the harmonies all over, and the staccato rhythm of the first bars. And it's a good exercise to kill your darlings once in a while! I should do exercises like this myself MP3 Play / pause fourths exercise 0:00 0:00 volume > next menu fourths exercise > next MP3 Play / pause fourths exercise 0:00 0:00 volume > next menu fourths exercise > next
    1 point
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