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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/30/2022 in Posts

  1. Hi everyone! I’m a newbie here I’m from Ukraine, Kyiv. I'm the composer & National Music Academy student, Dima Kravets (dersounder). Have experience in music since 5 years old, firstly as a professional pianist, and as a composer later (few years ago). I’m expired by classical, cinematic and contemporary music, playing and composing both. Since Russian-Ukrainian war begun, I feel extremely pain about my Country and our people, about inhuman war we should live with. And it is impossible to imagine our future now without tears on the eyes. I decided to write an orchestral piece about my feelings and what we are living for last month - Freedom and Independence of Ukraine. Honestly, I composed only piano and chamber music pieces before this work (that was a mix of classical-romantic-modern style). Now, as I have no instruments in bomb shelter, I’m trying to Use Logic Pro X to sound my Musical Ideas. Sharing with YOU demo-version of my music musical composition. It is almost complete, but I have some troubles with Mixing and Mastering. I feel this is what I’m not quite good at. Is in unmastered and no-mixed version. So, it will be better to listen it with headphones. Need any of your suggestions, professional advices (both composition and music production), your opinion or just a short comment. I will be grateful for your attention! Link to my music: The Orc Invasion of Kyiv UPD: added a score, generated by Logic Pro. The score is without Drums (as an audio file) and Sound Effects (have no idea how to write down it easily).
    2 points
  2. So I was thinking of starting a topic featuring some favorite pieces by fellow contemporary composers from Young Composers Forum! You can create your own categories for this one like I have or just do a general Top 10 (or less or more) favorite pieces from any category. I haven't included any choir or vocal pieces here since I don't often listen to those. Only rule is, please refrain from listing your own music! LoL Orchestra: “New Piece for Orchestra” by @gmm https://www.youngcomposers.com/t40035/new-piece-for-orchestra/ “Scherzo for Orchestra” by @gmm https://www.youngcomposers.com/t40676/scherzo-for-orchestra/ “Call to hunt” (scherzo) by @DirkH https://www.youngcomposers.com/t40073/call-to-hunt-scherzo/ “Crown of Thorns” by @Left Unexplained https://www.youngcomposers.com/t41648/crown-of-thorns/ “Suite of Minimalism” - 2. Amongst the Ocean on a Speedy Sailboat by @Eickso https://www.youngcomposers.com/t41574/suite-of-minimalism/ "Crisis in the City for Coloratura and Orchestra" by @Quinn https://www.youngcomposers.com/t40614/crisis-in-the-city-for-coloratura-and-orchestra/ Solo Instrument with Accompaniment: “Flight of the Fledgling” by @Left Unexplained https://www.youngcomposers.com/t40343/flight-of-the-fledgling/ “A Dreams End” by @Thatguy v2.0 https://www.youngcomposers.com/t40341/a-dreams-end/ "Piano Concerto No.2 in Bb minor" (Mvt.2) by @Mark101 https://www.youngcomposers.com/t43329/piano-concerto-no2-in-bb-minor/ “Bassoon Concerto No. 2” (Mvt. 1) by @Leonardo C. Núñez https://www.youngcomposers.com/t40340/bassoon-concerto-no-2/ “Inevitable End - piano and strings” by @ClasiCompose https://www.youngcomposers.com/t42985/inevitable-end-piano-and-strings/ Chamber: “Piano Quartet No. 2, Op.10, Mvt. 2” by @Theodore Servin https://www.youngcomposers.com/t38945/piano-quartet-no-2-op-10-mvt-2/ “My string sextet. Trying to marry contemporary-ish music with classical forms” (my favorite is the 4th movement) by @Snake_Cake https://www.youngcomposers.com/t42286/my-string-sextet-trying-to-marry-contemporary-ish-music-with-classical-forms/ Solo Piano/Keyboard: “Allegretto in G minor for Organ” by @bkho https://www.youngcomposers.com/t39911/allegretto-in-g-minor-for-organ/ “Sleepless Nights - A Berceuse” by @ComposedBySam https://www.youngcomposers.com/t43204/sleepless-nights-a-berceuse/ "Study based on How High The Moon" by @Quinn https://www.youngcomposers.com/t42448/study-based-on-how-high-the-moon/ "Impromptu-Scherzando for piano" by @panta rei https://www.youngcomposers.com/t38575/impromptu-scherzando-for-piano/ This is by no means an exhaustive list for each category but what I just happened to remember right now and from recent activity (although I did do a brief search for works I forgot from a while ago). I reserve the right to update my list at any time! LoL
    1 point
  3. Nice work - and its effectiveness lies in its simplicity even if it gets baleful at times. Not difficult to follow, easy to listen to. Starts to get more tense at around the 3 1/2 minute mark. I can feel the weight of the war from here and at various points like about 5 minute, the ominous basses, to the end. The work's last minute is particularly saddening: a build up to what seems a big climax only to fade away in the "smorzando" of the last few bars. Your instrumentation works well mixing traditional instruments with other sounds. We're given the obvious impression of war thanks to the air-raid sirens. A score might have helped but no matter. It is horrifying indeed what your people must be going through and I think right-minded people would pray or at least hope for peace very soon. Bereavement on such a huge scale is utterly heart-breaking. So, hoping that in spite of the situation you're able to continue with your music and studies. and you and those around you can stay safe and well. Quinn.
    1 point
  4. I recently came across a very old piece for strings I wrote in high school which has a soft spot for me since it's the first piece I actually thought was worthwhile. I thought it would work well for organ so I transcribed it. The score is very untidy but I'll post it once I've cleaned it up.
    1 point
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