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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/28/2022 in Posts

  1. Thanks, PeterthePapercomPoser! There's still one that might be worthwhile: Do you write in the epic style? Edit: In terms of the title of the poll it might be "Do you want to create an epic effect with your music) (Although it probably still enjoys popularity it seems to have fallen a little out of fashion. Maybe not worth bothering about. But it's a thought.)
    1 point
  2. Hi everybody. Back to tonality for a while. Nocturno para dos pianos.mp3
    1 point
  3. Hello Luis! This is a nice/pleasant sounding and well developed piece! It seems to me it went as A A B A C C B A, with three melodies, a consistent but amusing left hand part, and a satisfying flow of events. Your A section has a simple, but complimenting, 8 bar melody that I think goes well with the harmony! The second time the melody comes around, I love the second piano's accompaniment! It really adds to what's been established already (the 16ths are so goood). The B section is a bit busy, but it's a really beautiful contrast to the A sections, and lemme just say that bars 27 to 33 certainly grew me! I like the octaves and louder dynamic introduced here. Of course, the return to A is satisfying and reinforcing of it's melody. And now we get to the C section, which I LOVE the change in texture and dynamic, which really offsets it from the rest of the piece and stands out to me pretty well. The second C section is pretty warm and heartfelt compared to the first C section, which came off has a bit cool. Two nice textures to relatively the same melody. And with that the return to B and then finally A makes for more reinforcement and more enjoyment out of this fine piece! Great job!
    1 point
  4. Good dynamics & good choice of when and where instruments act make the tutti and quasi-tutti sections much, much more fulfilling to me. You sure know how to deal with contrasts and handle timbre differences. I suspect from a first listening that this has been very carefully composed. It feels like a huge effort of "refinement" has been made, and this comes clearer to me the more I listen to it. And of course, as it happens with good pieces of art overall, the more I interact with it the more deeper I enter into its language and focus into details like the pizz. after the first phrase or the proclamation of the first motive by different sections of the orchestra. Congratulations. I will go to listen to the first movement too. This symphony seems very promising. Kind regards!!
    1 point
  5. A lovely languid movement that floats by lazily. I do have some ambivalence ... on one hand the repeated motif moves about nicely ... at times it felt a bit repetitive ... however, by the end it did feel right. Nicely done ... Mark
    1 point
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