Judge Dredd here. (which I had to abandon as a member-ID in case others thought I had a musical Lawgiver behind my back - well, there is one, usually pointed at my back!). But I do have a problem: I believe that each composer's efforts are a step on the road to ultimate success no matter how that's defined. Who am I to criticise? It's dead easy to criticise the work of others. Easy to praise, Easy to be harsh - but to be just? Impartial? That can be difficult, partly depending on awareness of the experience and level of the one judged.
What's important is to help creators to become self-critical; persuade them to stand back and ask 'is this what I really wanted?' But also to encourage.
It's fine for someone to turn up posting a tune to ask 'has this potential?' But often, works are posted prematurely: 'I just wrote this, this afternoon. What do you think?' without giving their embryo time to gestate a bit, so to speak.
I'll continue to review works if I have time, tending to be selective in ways but always with an attempt at equanimity. If it's based on the scale of 12 notes, some kind of score draws me in rather than absence of same. But it's best if I don't apply for a formal reviewer post just now. I hope that's ok?
I'm just a street judge and I'm very late for work!