Indeed Juan Castaneda,
I also get frustrated in not having my pieces performed by real human performers. I believe that pieces condemned for computer performances never get their true interpretative potential and value. Hence I welcome your offer. I think it would be a rewarding experience for any composer.
I have so far composed 21 soliloquies for clarinet in B bemol and 3 soliloquies for Bass Clarinet. You would be welcome to perform and record and post on YouTube any of these pieces. I have posted many of theme here on YC. Please find below the links to some of them, the ones I would particularly be interested to hear performed.
Soliloquy for Clarinet No. 21:
Soliloquy for Clarinet No. 20:
Soliloquy for Clarinet No. 5:
Soliloquy for Bass Clarinet No. 1:
Soliloquy for Bass Clarinet No. 2:
Soliloquy for Bass Clarinet No. 3:
If you are interested in the others, message me and I will either send the links or the scores in case they are not posted on YC. Also, feel free to contact me regarding any questions of interpretation you might have. Good luck!
Should you prefer shorter pieces in sets, I also have two sets of what I call "Sententia" ("Sententiae" in plural, Latin for sentence). Here is the link for the set of "Three Sententiae for Bass Clarinet, Op. 301". The other set is comprised of five sententiae for clarinet. It had been posted in the previous version of YC. I can provide the score should you be interested in checking it: