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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/15/2023 in all areas

  1. This is a piece ive created over the summer with the assistance of my band directors, any complaints will be considered
    2 points
  2. The ending from 2 minutes on has a "Frederick Delius" flavor to it. Very nice. Mark
    2 points
  3. Hi all, It's been a while since I posted. A Soldier's Dairy is a work composed over the last 4 months. It is a very long piece - 9 minutes. The work is in narrative form, in that - the structure is a bit free flowing; although, I worked hard to maintain balance with the relative rhythmic, melodic, and harmonic motifs integrated throughout the work. I worked on this composition with a new Mentor (finally found one). So this is the first complete draft - 95% or so done. The engraving still needs work as does polishing off chord note placement etc. My objective here is too create a work that flows with interesting and effective transitions. Each segment represents a moment/time in a day for the Soldier. For me - the work is best experienced as a "Movie Score". I would appreciate al comments.
    1 point
  4. 1 point
  5. After you watch my premiere, I'm hoping I can get a few testers of the software at this stage. For those of you who don't know, Music Jotter is an online music notation software. Before I go on, I have to explain how it's different than MuseScore. MuseScore will unfortunately be the biggest obstacle that risks low adoption of Music Jotter in this group here, but there are things I can do to encourage 3-10% early adoption. Here are some reasons why you should pay attention to Music Jotter: You get to help me build the product. A product built and influenced by a composer community means an excellent product. Custom plugins written in Javascript. Can't code? No problem, I'm here to help. Literally code your own Music Jotter -> Lilypond plugin if you desire. Much more responsive playback system with music scrubbing. Easy to use if you care about that. I know that it's a hard sell if you are used to Finale or MuseScore. But if you start using Music Jotter, you will see how much easier it is to use. Flexible: It's much easier to make your music sound better in Music Jotter. It's accessible and integrates with your Young Composers account. Music Jotter will become much more competitive of a product if there is more awareness and social proof. By social proof, I mean eagerness to use this product in its "mature" state. But willingness to help this product become mature. Rivals the desktop software solutions, not the online market This one is weird because Music Jotter is literally an online music software. However, Music Jotter will rival Finale and MuseScore. Not NoteFlight or Flat.io. This means I'm not even worrying about NoteFlight / Flat.io, and they have a HUGE market. Why am I not worrying about them? Because Music Jotter is targeting the desktop market. NOT the online market. Why this is important: Because this product is not a "pet project" of Young Composers. If I am rivaling Finale, you know Music Jotter means business. And I must say that the online market is still incredibly weak, even with NoteFlight and Flat.io dominating. Dominance means nothing honestly, it just means no one else is around. If Music Jotter is opting to eventually become a desktop software, the cloud solution is just another benefit of the larger vision. The larger vision though is "a music composition ecosystem". This is a big reason why I am creating a YouTube channel. If you are interested in helping me test Music Jotter, and you want to see it become mature, I urge you to join my Facebook socials today: Facebook: Personal Facebook: Group for Early Access You can still join even if you aren't sure at this point. I will be using my new Facebook social accounts to communicate news around Music Jotter to those who are eager to see this product make it into the world. And if anything, a highly adopted Music Jotter on Young Composers increases our community engagement.
    1 point
  6. @MJFOBOE I have gotten that a few times and i still have no idea who that is
    1 point
  7. @Henry Ng Tsz Kiu Yes Of course I can provide the pdf.
    1 point
  8. Hello @NicholasG, Welcome to the forum! Will you also have a pdf score for us to look into the details? At least to my listening I have nothing to complain at all. The wind instruments here are beautiful, and the overall mood is serene. But I don't think it's a soft piece at all! There's dymanic contrasts in it. Thx for sharing! Henry
    1 point
  9. The truth is that I am very interested in all this about microtonality because I totally ignore if there is any theoretical corpus "to hold on to". It is a very wide world that I love, but it seems to me a bit unattainable, for the moment. This work, in any case, is totally impregnated by the original music. On the one hand the collage is too dispersed, from Mozart to Debussy... In some cases I think it works better than in others. In the first Mozartian part, it's like a tonal variation (not microtonal yet) and it's fine. The part from measure 72 I think it adds "morbidity" to the original and I also like it. But the part on Debussy doesn't fit me at all. I don't know, maybe in these "new" languages I assume better original works where there is not such a strong reference.
    1 point
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