Entry B - "a knee in the grass through my eyelashes" by @GreenGiantCanOfCorn
(for Soprano and Piano)
This piece was constructed around the accompanying poem. The poem depicts the listener (you), entrenched in a dream. The narrator (again, you, the listener) is stratified between three levels: the needer, the object of your own desire, and the observer of the entire scenario. Within the text, these three cognitive levels are distinguished by italicization and paragraph alignment. In this way, the text is able to detail a complex dreamscape of self-doubt and need through its use of form, without imposing a specific narrative or temporality.
To detail the compositional aspects of this piece, the musical form serves to highlight the dreamlike non-linearity of thought and memory. It's not that this piece is formless; rather, it is incredibly aware of form, employing it as a cognitive guide. Section boundaries are often blurred with either extremely unpredictable or extremely familiar materials. Even silence is used, stored, and recalled as a familiar material. The form is real because the listener needs it to be. Therefore, it is indistinct and varied in its macro shape, and confident and intense in its phrase- and section-level materials.
The piece also uses technology: two E-bows on the piano, with sustain and sostenuto pedals to allow infinite oscillation. Additionally, the soprano sings into the piano to sympathetically vibrate the piano's strings.
Not that this needs stating, but stylistically, this isn't supposed to be a "pretty" piece just because it uses harmony. For better or worse, existing within the contemporary world means that listeners likely have instincts regarding functional harmony. This allows the piece to utilize such instincts to construct sectional contrasts between familiar and unfamiliar approaches to expectation and fulfillment. TLDR: on a structural level, this piece does not commit to any one method of utilizing harmony, and instead uses harmony as a concept to evade expectation.
This is a needy piece, a "waking up sweating and the sweat feels cold, and you can't tell if it's in a good way" kind of piece. a knee in the grass through my eyelashes centers the contradictions and anxieties present within the unconscious mind as we define our own personal truths.
Thank you so much for the opportunity to be considered for this competition.
I would also add: