Just a quick update: I've been bogged down by school and by a whole bunch of stress, which isn't fun (a clear symptom of the IB), so I haven't got time to finish my symphony. On top of academics having gotten exponentially harder for me as of late, I've also left my other favourite hobbies (writing short stories and reading) to gather dust over the past month or so. Gaming is still a thing I do, though. That probably won't go away.
On second thought, maybe it wasn't IB: I've just lost the passion I needed to write my symphony. I'm sure I'll get back to it some day, but for now it seems like I've definitely burned myself out. After having stopped for a couple of weeks to gather some ideas, I realised I hadn't done any of that at all and stagnated. I'm working on a set of pieces for cello and piano, and maybe even a string quartet at some point, but I don't know. A lot of my musical impetus had just gone up in a puff of smoke, and I've forced myself to blurt out some haphazard ideas in the vein of Rach 3 to keep something going after my first recapitulation, but I have been working at a snail's pace. Things are going to take a while.
I'll post something on here soon, I'm sure, so stay tuned (to all the three people who'll probably read this message 😉)! For the time being, though, I'll take some time to focus on me and my schoolwork.
Hope to be back soon! 👋