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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/08/2023 in all areas

  1. Over the past half a year or so, I have been working constantly on these pieces, it taking the highest priority out of all the projects I had been working on. Throughout these pieces, I explored and pushed the boundaries of my own style, experimenting with conventional and unconventional harmony, and attempting to embody some of the composers I most idolize. This is the first time I've ever undertaken a multi-movement project and truly experienced what it's like, and it has been such a satisfying and rewarding 6 months. I've written, rewritten, and rewritten again many of these pieces, but it's all worth it. Presenting, Obscurity.
    1 point
  2. Hi Peter. Thanks for listening and your thoughts. You are right in what you say. Even though the cello ascend for a short time, I always kept the pizzicato accompaniment low. I have a hard time preventing sounds from mixing when I expand the range, I think this may be related to my inability to go beyond basic harmony knowledge. I need to improve myself in this regard, thanks again
    1 point
  3. Hello Peter, This is a very surprising comment! I would lie if I said it was an aesthetic will... Simple Random is at stake here unfortunately ! The cut was planned to be about 2/3 of the piece, since it is a strophic form with variants. And chance places this gap in this place... And now you have piqued my curiosity since: by applying the same calculation to another vocal piece (Hantise) I find about the same results with a gap also around the golden ratio! I am like the vain Mr. Jourdain of the "bourgeois gentilhomme" in Molière's play, who does prose without knowing it... (I do golden numbers without knowing it Haha) In any case, I would be curious to know what motivated you to make these calculations about my piece! Have a good day
    1 point
  4. To me the pizzicato accompaniment and the key of the piece in general seem too low. I think being so low the pizzicato strings sound overly wet although I don't know if lowering the reverb will necessarily address the problem I perceive. I think the piece also stays in the same range for too long I think it would be a nice respite if there was somewhere a place in the music that ascended to a higher tessitura for all the instruments. With the whole piece in the same range it cries out for a contrast either by making a different contrasting section or by letting the instruments play in a different key or range at some point in the music. But that's just my perception of this piece. Thanks for sharing!
    1 point
  5. I have exactly the same problem. My works are either too repetitive; or too wide ranging, with disunified motifs!
    1 point
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