Today I present my most recent work for piano. It's a "poéme" influenced by Scriabin.
In about five minutes I tried to experiment with these typical sonorities, chords and textures, which lead myself to really strange paths what made me check few times everything to be sure about what was the intention and direction of every passage of the piece. I noticed that it's really easy (or at least it was for me) to go from central peiod of Scriabin to somewhat around Debussy and weird Jazz.
The form of the piece is A-B-C-A, quite traditional way but I intended the themes to really blend beetween themselves and in some parts you can notice that the themes reapear in fragments in other places.
(examples: the final motif of b.10 appears in bar b.36 and b.51-53
b.5 motif later in the recapitulation gets really expanded to the climax of the work being mixed with motif from b.19 in b.63-66
b.11 motif is developed into the C theme
also I let yourselves to identify motif of the first theme along the piece)
This piece was intended to be somewhat like a three mvts. sonata, then two mvts influenced by Scriabin 4, but finally I decided it to be in one being a "poéme".
In the picture of the video you can see something near to what this piece suggests me. You are free to imagine from this point whatever it makes you feel and what story does it tell.
I hope you like it and wait for your comments.