Hello! I've recently gotten a bit into the art of Muzoracle - a storytelling/divination tool similar to the Tarot card deck, but with cards with musical concepts and 12-sided Musician's dice and Solfege dice. I did a casting of a friend named Bradley - he asked the Muzoracle if he would ever gain "fame and fortune":
My interpretation of the cards and dice are attached in a pdf if you care to get into it. I decided to compose a short piece to represent the casting using pitched percussion (since the Minor 7th card at the left is in the suit of Percussion) and choir (since the Conductor card on the right is in the suit of Voices). If you'd like to find out more about Muzoracle and how castings are interpreted go here: https://muzoracle.com/
The piece isn't meant to be long or showy - it's in the key of C since that is how the 12-sided Musician's Die up top landed and uses the scale degrees of So, Me, La and Te (G, Eb, A, Bb). The casting as a whole is a descending one which means that the default direction of the diatonic scale degrees is to fall to the next rolled solfege die. However, if a solfege die lands on a chromatic scale degree it goes in opposition to the predominant direction of the casting (in this case - ascending). So the melody of the casting is G falling to Eb, rising to A, and falling to Bb, which is the melody you will hear in the music. If you've gotten this far - thanks for reading and I hope you enjoy listening to the short piece! Any comments, critiques, suggestions or even questions (if you're curious about the Muzoracle) are welcome!