@Henry Ng Tsz Kiu! Always a joy to read you, and yes, long time and in fact too long.
I hope it was good busy but I also hope you'll have more time to be around 🙂
Thank you, of course means a lot... it's my first time to try and write a trio with piano, and I hear what you are saying. I tried to keep things balanced and I'm very glad to hear that you think it's OK!
Thank you so much Henry! SO, I tried to incorporate your observations.
First, I think you meants to write Brahms third piano quartet, right? I do not know that piece (I've listened to the first two movements yesterday in the car, and I started the third.. so lyrical, so wonderful!!). Question: Why do you think he modulates from eb min to B maj instead of Cb maj? I guess to make the "abrupt" modulation to G a bit less abrupt at least in terms of notation? or am I missing something? Anywho, I tried to do something like that. I loved it because before going back to c min I had the violin mention the secondary theme, but it felt lonely and kinda "hanging" since I only had two measures (what now is b. 135-137). Having more space now (b. 138-146) I let the cello continue the second theme phrase before moving to c minor. The Cb maj -> G maj is perhaps a bit too abrupt so I tried to mellow it putting the d in the bass, but perhaps it's not enough? Regardless, I think it sounds much better now than it did without the longer modulation, but ofc I think so since I wrote it 🙂
Second, I like the "serene" ending in C major, but I hear your point about the two modes struggling. So... I changed the mode of the end of transition to minor (b. 221-231), and then it felt natural to let the secondary theme come back in the piano in c minor as well. When the theme then goes to the violin, it opens up to C major, but the brief part in which the cello sings has a bit of a chiaroscuro in minor as well (b. 258). Of the final codette, I turned one in minor as well (overkill now?). I think the contrast of modalities enlivens the piece, Thank you!
Finally, the piano difficult parts... yeah, it looks playable but difficult. I'll show a pianist friend and see what she has to say. I too think it's playable but it might be time consuming to learn. I might have a chance to have this performed, so I don't want to be an a-hole to the pianist 🙂 I've tried to simplify it but it didn't work so far... I'll keep trying.