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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/28/2024 in Posts

  1. I talked with him. He said he uses a midi keyboard and didn’t play the parts he had trouble playing. So he’s sort of “half playing” I suppose
    2 points
  2. Hi everyone! Long time for posting my last composition here. I am going to post the Lamentoso from my String Sextet 2nd movement here finally. Here is the pdf, mp3 and YouTube link of the piece: Lamentoso from String Sextet Movement 2.pdf Henry_Lamentoso.mp3 Here are the previous posts from the String Sextet: First movement: And here is the fugue after this Lamentoso: Here is the structure of the movement: 0:04, b.1-33. Introduction, setting the heavy tone of the movement by immediately using the low register of the violas and cellos. Focus on the first three notes of the opening theme of the first movement, but in minor version. 1:35, b.33-60. Agitato. Use some polyrhythms and tremolos here for my agitation. The melody comes from the minor version of the opening theme of the first movement. I like the yearning from second cello and first violin here! 3:23, b.61-93. Più mosso. Variation on the arpeggiating figure of the first movement first introduced in b.19. The sudden modulation to C minor is to echo the C major modulation in the first movement, b.226, and also augur the C minor modulation in the subsequent fugue section. With a solo transition to the next section. 4:58, b.94-122. Agitato. Again features tremolo here but with metre as rhythm. At first it’s a variation on the first three notes of the opening theme, but in b.108 the theme from the next section is announced early. Modulate to dominant C sharp minor, my favourite key! 6:01, b.123-139. Tranquillo. A cello recitative against the bass notes and the fleeing upper strings. The theme here comes from the Db major of the first movement in b.115, again the minor variation . I quite like the texture here, since the cello is really beautiful in its high register con sordini. Modulate to F sharp major to the next big section. 7:05, b.140-198. Marked “doubtful” at first since it’s the reappearance of the original opening theme of the first movement but harmonized by strange keys and then surrounded by dissonant chords (b.148). Enters into Misterioso passage, maybe trying to find ways to connect back to the world of the first movement. Bartok Pizz. is used as a signal for something enlightened. B.179 starts my favourite section of the whole Lamentoso or even the while 2nd movement I have written so far. It augurs the subject of the fugue which comes next, but for me it’s honest and very beautiful when getting back to F sharp minor. Definitely one of my best passages ever written. 10:43, b.199-end. Coda and transition to the fugue. A recalled memory from the heavenly first movement, but laughed off by the evil sul ponticello 2nd viola. Exhausted, the music gets into the second big section, the six part fugue which I composed earlier. I’m afraid the structure is a bit disorganised, but I like how direct it is emotionally and the contrast it brings with the first movement and the subsequent fugue. I definitely write with my honest emotion here, even though it’s quite sad. Hopefully I’ll finish the whole movement and while piece soon! Hope you enjoy my sadness here! Edit: I forget to mention the audio is made by Vince @Thatguy v2.0! Thx my bro! Henry
    1 point
  3. Hello people! Late last year I helped organize and host "The Tortoise and the Hare" Young Composers Instrumental Music Composition Competition and now I've finally had the time to write a piece in that theme as well! I've picked Bassoon for representing the Tortoise, Piccolo for the Hare and Solo Violin for the Fox. I didn't intend for this to be a fully exhaustive set of variations on each theme - only to allow me to characterize each personality in the fable to the best of my ability. I've also tried to follow the fable in the form of my piece which goes as follows: 0:23 - A - Enter Tortoise 0:46 - B - Enter Hare 1:04 - C - Hare mocks Tortoise 1:20 - D - Enter Fox 1:36 - E - Tortoise & Hare agree to Race 1:58 - F - The Race Ensues ! 2:09 - G - Hare tires & falls asleep 2:17 - H - Tortoise hurries 2:34 - I - Tortoise passes Hare 2:51 - J - Tortoise tires 3:02 - K - Fox spots Tortoise 3:13 - L - Hare awakes and hurries 3:30 - M - Tortoise wins! Let me know what you think! I welcome your critiques, suggestions and observations!
    1 point
  4. It's amazing effort for you Jonathon! And what a great future meme for "half playing"! I should half compose my piece and let AI write the rest LoL... Henry
    1 point
  5. Yeah it doesn't sound like a live performance to me either, but the rendition is quite nice. There were a lot of cool moments in the music, especially at bar 155. The mysterious free tempo feeling was just what it needed. Very Beethoven inspired, yes? Awesome job with this, and thanks for sharing!
    1 point
  6. Sorry to break it to you, but listening to this, I'm getting many clues that you were scammed, because this does not sound real. Even if they had used an electric piano, there's no way their tuplets are that precise at that speed, there's like no dynamic nuance, and the dynamics rarely even match properly, and the pedaling sounds unnatural. Sounds like they took a midi and messed around with tempo changes. The piece itself is well written. The themes are memorable, they develop nice, etc., so well done. The main issue I have is the enharmonic spelling in the score makes it troublesome to read sometimes, so I'd suggest reading into that.
    1 point
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