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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/01/2024 in all areas

  1. I wanted to share a recent project for school; I wasn't quite sure which forum this belonged in. It sounds best on headphones. I would love any feedback; this was made entirely with Cubase virtual instruments so the rhythm guitar might be slightly annoying. That said, I would love to make a proper recording of this piece in the future.
    1 point
  2. Got this idea the other day at the metro. I might expand it into a fully fledged piece Polyrhythm Trio.mp3 Polyrhythm Trio.pdf
    1 point
  3. What do you mean "might"? This is awesome!!
    1 point
  4. Hi @Hcab5861, A lot of fun listening to it, I found it witty and well constructed! Very clever transitions bars 5-8, 17-19 or again 29-31, subtle and intriguing. Super ending: reusing the transitional material and extending it fits very well! Thanks for sharing!
    1 point
  5. Hi @olivercomposer! Your unique style of writing still comes through in this inventive piece. It is catchy because the reused rhythmic motives are like an ear worm, but it also has variety because the intervals in your motives do not stay the same. Even though you use the bIII and bVI I still perceive the piece to be kind of tonic heavy (maybe because in the Baroque style it is expected that modulations happen through the use of secondary dominants or secondary vii chords and that they lead episodically to re-expositions of the motive in new keys which you don't do). I am glad to see and hear that you are still exploring new ways to approach the craft of composition! And the new aspects of music that you are exploring will for sure enrich all of your subsequent music! Thanks for sharing.
    1 point
  6. Hi again Pablo. Going straight to the point: ♫ Prelude: I am just going to state the parts that didn't convince me since as far as I remember, I have sincerely liked all your works up to now and there's little useful overall criticism I can put. Let's dive into it: This figure has nothing wrong but it sounds a bit off to me for some reason I don't think I fully understand. I get a similar feeling with this one . In my honest opinion I believe I have listened to better works from you (this would be an example). Don't get me wrong, this one is good too, and perhaps it's the harpsichord soundfont and not the music itself what throws me off at some points. In any case, I would say I liked the second part of the prelude more. To conclude, I think I have detected a typo at M30 if I'm not mistaken: ♫ Fugue: much less complaints if any in this case, perhaps there's some over-dense passages like M17-19 but there are 4 voices there after all. I like the subject very much and the ending is superb. As always, thank you for sharing your work here regularly, as I have mentioned countless times already I always enjoy listening to fugues and other genres developed in the baroque period that make use of heavy counterpoint, specially in minor tonalities. Kind regards, Daniel–Ømicrón.
    1 point
  7. Here is my entry for the Fall 2016 Competition, a set of 10 variations on the well-known simple theme "Happy Birthday." Though I suspect everyone knows this theme, in case you don't here's a link to a version of it. Just listen to the first 25 seconds or so for the basic theme: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HVEmrAilqj8 Thanks for listening and best of luck to all the other entrants!
    1 point
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