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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/14/2024 in all areas

  1. I thought to start a thread where the community could share poems about music that you've written (or that others or some famous poets have written in history). I'll start! Thanks for reading and feel free to share your musical poems no matter how silly!
    1 point
  2. Sounds good! Very relaxing and it does remind me of summer. Maybe a pad synth sound in the background?
    1 point
  3. What an amazing work you made Henry. It's melancholic in a lovely manner.
    1 point
  4. I like the vivid imagery of this piece - really goes to show the challenges of taking care of an instrument - and how the physical images for every stanza builds up into something more abstract and conceptual.
    1 point
  5. this rhymes so well and I like the witty nature and simplicity of it... I have never written a Symphony, but for composing in general, I don't just take out a notepad and could just write from scratch 😂, if it is some theme/ motif, it would be written down and left there for weeks, months... and maybe years ( If I continue composing in the future )... before it could be turned into something worthwhile later on ( though once in while I do manage to complete a piece shortly after composing the main theme(s)/ motif(s). maybe " there are no limits to his imaginations " ? - doesn't rly matter since it doesn't rly change the meaning and for pronouns... I'm not gna say much but it does seem like even till today, the majority of those who compose music are ( still ) ...males ?😅
    1 point
  6. I also have got two ( as of now ), two Tankas ( Lit: Short Songs ) : 1. A Soloist in a Concerto ( tanka ) amidst the Oceans, a Boat of an instrument alone yet Belonged - virtuosic Voice - One with Universe's Orchestrations... 2. never was ( tanka ) When i die, will i like Chopin, have willed one(s) heart back to home - far... away, long Lost, gone... forever... except - - that it never felt It was. As much as this may seem like shameless promoting, these two are form my Insta poetry account ( come check it out if interested ) : https://www.instagram.com/introspective_outsider?igsh=MXBvdmhlMWJqNGp3ZA== I am quite certain I am gna continue write music-themed/ -related poems and prose, as I write on a whole range of topics.
    1 point
  7. Here's another one I wrote: Thanks for reading!
    1 point
  8. Thank you for sharing, I really love that slow build up of rhythm. It makes it very relaxing and something out of a fantasy wonderland movie.
    1 point
  9. Such a beautiful work, I can tell you put your heart and soul in this piece. Congratulations! Slava Ukraini!
    1 point
  10. Thank you so much for your recommendations! I already have the BBCSO Spitfire Symphony Orchestra. I will be sure to check out their other offerings. 🙂 Good luck with your revisions!
    1 point
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