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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/06/2024 in all areas

  1. Hello everyone, long time no see. My life has been a mess lately. Anyways, I thought this piece would be a cool way to get back to posting on the forum. As the title says I don't know what title to give the composition, but it should be something somber and evocative. Also this is one of my compositions with the most elaborate textures even though the work is only 32 measures long. For more information feel free to leave a question. 🙂
    2 points
  2. Yes haha, some people have pointed it out too. Actually some people on Reddit offered possible lore related to that dance quality. Thank you very much! I'm glad you think the piece is well crafted. The texture is a bit more elaborated than what I'm used to, but the melodies and themes work similarly to what I usually do with short pieces. Thank you! Yes, I agree it is one of my pieces with the best textures.
    1 point
  3. Hello my friend. I was thinking of piano parts and the repeating whistlikng sound as main motiff for this one,but maybe its more like background noise 😄. The other instruments definetly were not improvisations😢 i wonder why the sounded like that, is it because they are not repeating and arent placed in correct order? And for changes in tempo and harmony i want to deffinetly work on this in the future because its my biggest weakness i feel. Have a good day 🙂
    1 point
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