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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/08/2024 in all areas

  1. My entire life seems but a continual wandering, and perhaps the jury is still out concerning whether I am just lost or not! Either way, here is a little of what the Muse had to say about it. I hope someone may find some pleasure in it.
    3 points
  2. Wow, so many interesting textures in this. Your harmony is really cool and chic, and you're quite the player! I like the improvisatory style of this, it helps capture the essence of wandering to me. same
    2 points
  3. Hi StripedGazelle, Welcome to the community. You will probably find that you get more engagement with things you post if you include both the pdf and a sound file so people can listen and read along simultaneously without having to get to a piano, or be a particularly good pianist. You can add one here by using the edit function. Most composing software makes it pretty easy to generate one, even if midi voices aren't as nice as a live performance. At a glance, this looks like a great start. Ranges are good and your score is pretty tidy. You have some melismas to make things interesting, but they aren't so long that breathing becomes problematic. (Depending on tempo). Did you have any thoughts about tempo or dynamics?
    1 point
  4. I see what you mean, the transitions could definitely be smoother! Thank you for your feedback!
    1 point
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